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An Introduction to the Chakras

Your Body Decoded

Begin to Understand Your Body in Ancient, Cosmic Terms and Why You Hold All Keys to Love, Power, Happiness, Health, and Wealth Literally Inside Yourself

You have likely heard of chakras from either your yogi roommate who meditates or a Discovery channel show documentary on alternative cures for deadly diseases. Either way, they seem very distant, unrelatable, and too cosmic for most people at first. In fact, many people think the concept of chakras is basically fiction – powers given to movie and Japanese anime characters, so they are perceived as mentally elevated to spice up the story. That notion is simply false.

Whether or not you believe in chakras doesn’t affect the fact they exist—they have always existed. Understanding chakras has to do with knowing what they represent in our bodies, as well as the impacts they have on our body system. This article will enlighten you on some very brief basics of chakras and their integral importance to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

What is Chakra?

Literally, the word “Chakra” means “Wheel” – but that does not give much away in terms of its significance. Chakras are energy points, located in different parts of our bodies. They are located in seven different areas and are linked together by how they improve our well-being. The chakra points are in the midline of our bodies, which signifies how they work as one. They are often seen as one spinning wheel of energy, channeling our entire body and giving us the necessary vitality.

But how exactly do They Serve us?

Chakras are expected to be balanced and kept spinning – like a wheel. When in this state, they are said to be open. And when open, they greatly improve and enhance our lifestyle and general living. Our emotional state becomes more balanced and controlled; we find ourselves in relatively proper physical condition. Automatically, other aspects of our lives are then affected positively and begin to flourish. Our work life, friendships and relationships, and general outlook on life become healthier and optimistic. These results will be quite noticeable to you and to everyone around you.

On the other hand, when the chakra points are misaligned, the opposite is likely to happen.

A balanced or spinning chakra system can be seen as running water down a stream, from the first energy point located at the base of the body (the root chakra) to the last, located at the top of the head (the crown chakra). The imaginary water cleanses the entire system as it runs through other energy points, thereby keeping them open.

The challenge to keep our chakra points open is ever-present because they are unseen. They can only be felt and perceived. Therefore, practices like Yoga and meditation are very important. They are physical activities that help us channel our inner energy points as best we can and keep us refreshed.

The Chakra Points as a System

The chakra points may bear different names and may be located on different areas of the body, but as explained above, they work as a collective system. Each of the chakra points have very specific functions and can be explored in very elaborate ways. However, this article only provides a very basic overview of all the chakra points and their roles and aims at providing a cursory understanding of the system as a whole.

Summarily, these are the energy points in our body and what they signify:

1. The Root (Muladhara) Chakra

This is the first point of the wheel of energy, beginning at the base of our spine. It is associated with the earth element, and represents our basic and foundational needs including food, shelter, security, safety, water, and family. The root chakra needs to be balanced in order for us to feel assured and at peace, with regards to these basic and fundamental needs. The mantra of this chakra says, “I am always safe at the center of my being”.

2. The Sacral (Svadhisthana) Chakra

The Svadhisthana chakra is the second point on the wheel of energy and primarily represents the creative and sexual energy within our mind and body. It is commonly associated with the water element, which is quite accurate once you relate them with each other. Water symbolizes fluidity, freedom, and versatility, all of which are vital aspects of our ability to be creative, sexual, and in sync with others. A balanced Svadhisthana makes our life filled with pleasure, creativity, mobility, and fulfilling relationships. The mantra for the sacral chakra is “I flow with the rhythms of life”.

3. The Navel (Manipura) Chakra

This is the third point on the wheel of energy and is primarily associated with fire. It represents the parts of our minds related to self-esteem, confidence, personal identity, and personal power. Accordingly, a balanced Manipura enhances your self-esteem and sense of self, raises your level of confidence and aids you in gaining mental control over your affairs. The mantra affirming your Manipura chakra says, “I stand in my personal power”.

4. The Heart (Anahata) Chakra

The Anahata primarily serves as the bridge between the three physical chakras (explored above) and the three spiritual chakras. It represents every aspect of our lives concerning love, joy, and compassion. The balancing of the first three chakras is what opens up the fourth and integrates them with the final three. Aligning the first three allows you open your “self” to the possibility of joy and love within your mind and gives you easier access to the final three. Within you, balancing the Heart Chakra affirms “I open my heart to fully living”.

5. The Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra

The fifth point on the wheel of energy is the first spiritual chakra in the system. The throat chakra represents the voice within us, which brings out our authenticity and truthfulness. A balanced Vishuddha chakra grants us the clarity we need in finding our voice and understanding our true intentions and clearly expressing our ideas. It helps us in listening to our inner selves better and outwardly express our wants and desires. The mantra for the Vishuddha chakra is “I follow and speak my truth”.

6. Third-Eye (Ajna) Chakra

Similar to its name, the Third-Eye Chakra represents your intuition and sixth sense. It affects how we relate our internal dialogue with how we perceive the exterior around us. A balanced Ajna helps you face life’s challenges head on, while trusting your instincts as you push through. You understand the true value your life holds and make generally better decisions. It prevents you from being overly attached to logic and too untrusting. With a balanced Ajna, you truly believe in the mantra that says, “I follow the path of truth and intuition”.

7. The Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra

The Crown Chakra is the final spiritual chakra, as well as the final of all chakras. It completes the effectiveness of the chakra system within the body system. Specifically, it represents the fact that you are in essence a divine being going through a human experience on earth. Balancing your crown chakra involves accepting that you are a being integral to the universe, and that you will always be ready to transcend from the physical world for a more spiritual experience (this refers to the elevation of your mind, and not dying). The mantra for the Sahasrara chakra basically says, “There is only one divine oneness”.

One Entity

Tuning into the seven chakra points gives us better control over our lives. It helps with how we perceive ourselves, how we process emotions, and how we live amongst other people. Each one of us has untapped and untold power and, if we truly take the time to understand and unleash it, we can experience full, balanced, and successful lives.

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