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An Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology Vs. Vedic Astrology

Is it the East Battles the West?

Begin to Understand the Observational and Interpretational Differences of the Cosmos and How They Affect Perceived and Forecasted Divination

When Astrology is mentioned, for most of us, the first ideas that come to mind is the zodiac signs. You must have looked up your zodiac sign, probably out of curiosity, or to ascertain your compatibility with a potential partner, or to understand why you act the way you do? Right? That’s usually the way it starts for most of us.

But have you ever sought to understand what Astrology means? Do you know that astrology is beyond knowing your zodiac sign? Do you want a bit of insight into the different types of astrology and how schools of thought have evolved over the years? I can almost see the curious cat in you standing straight and upright eager to know more. If this depicts you right now, read on.

To begin with, let’s establish the fact that there are various streams of Astrology. However, they can all be categorized into two broad perspectives – Modern Astrology and Ancient Astrology. In this article, we would examine two different kinds of astrology, each under the two broad categories of Astrology. They are Evolutionary Astrology (which is under Modern Astrology) and Vedic Astrology (categorized under Ancient Astrology.)

Evolutionary Astrology

Celebrated in Western nations as one of the modern forms of Astrology, Evolutionary Astrology was propagated by Steven Forrest and Jeffrey Wolf Green in the 1980s. Although it’s a new stream of Astrology, it combines ancient metaphysical ideas with contemporary psychological theories.

Evolutionary Astrology is a style of astrology that understands a person’s birth chart as a map or insight into the soul’s evolution. Its paradigms and methodologies embrace ideas that measure the growth of the soul from life to life. The methods focus on the planet Pluto and its relationship with the Moon.

According to Steven’s definition of the field of Astrology, we are all able to work with the astrological forces and not simply directed by them. That is, Evolutionary Astrology can help us find meaning and live in harmony with a higher purpose to our lives.

Various evolutionary astrologers make use of different methods, but they are all guided by the following core beliefs:

1. Admission that human beings incarnate in a succession of lifetimes.

2. Admission that the circumstances of the present life, both materially and psychologically, do not arise randomly, but rather reflect the evolutionary intentions and necessities of the soul.

3. Acceptance that the birth chart reflects the evolutionary condition of the soul at the moment of incarnation.

4. Acceptance that the birth chart reflects the evolutionary intentions of the soul for the present life.

5. Admission that humans interact creatively and unpredictably within their birth charts; that all astrological symbols are multi-dimensional and are modulated into psychic and material expression by the consciousness of the individual.

6. Acceptance that human beings are responsible for the realities they experience, both internally and externally.

7. A deep intention to accept and support a person seeking astrological help, no matter the evolutionary state in which such an individual finds himself or herself.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology is one of India’s ancient systems of knowledge. It is dubbed as the “science of fate” or the “science of light”, it was originally known as the “Jyotish.” Vedic Astrology has been practiced as far back as 500 BC. The literal meaning of the word Veda is “knowledge.”

Vedic Astrology is rooted in the belief that the planets and stars have a powerful influence on human lives. Therefore, astrology should be about understanding the Karma of each person and examining its positions. It is considered to be the eye of the Vedas because it provides guidance to individuals who are feeling loss, despair, or confusion in their life’s journey.

Vedic Astrology is rooted in four cardinal pillars. They are revealed through the birth chart and are:

1. Kama: Translated as “Desires.” How you go after your desires. It refers to the human innate desire to seek happiness and joy. It preaches that all beings have a right to seek joy and peace without harming themselves or others.

2. Dharma: How you fulfill your soul through daily activities; life’s purpose. It seeks the most conducive mode of conduct for your spiritual growth.

3. Moksha: Moksha is translated as “liberation.” How do you achieve enlightenment or liberate your source, and relate to other people’s spiritual development?

4. Artha: Although it means “goal” or “purpose” it relates to how you generate income and pursue wealth. It says that to experience the happiness of attaining your goals, you must possess the necessary financial resources.

The Differences Between Evolutionary Astrology and Vedic Astrology

While there are many nuanced differences, I’m doing my best to stick to the basics here. A major difference between the two is Evolutionary Astrology uses a one-time psychoanalysis test or personality quiz while Vedic Astrology uses standard guidelines on how to live life through intention and spiritual discipline.

Another difference between them is the zodiac system. Vedic Astrology makes use of the sidereal (star) zodiac system. This system positions the planet against a backdrop of stars. Each of these stars moves one zodiacal degree once every 72 years.

Meanwhile, Evolutionary Astrology uses the tropical zodiac which doesn’t account for the movement of the zodiacal stars every 72 years. This zodiac system is based on the seasons and earth’s relationship to the sun. This explains why the sun sign in Vedic Astrology is different from the sun sign in Evolutionary Astrology.

Closing Thoughts

There’s no better system among the two astrological systems as they both provide distinct insights. In fact, none is 100% astronomically accurate as there are constellations that are neither accounted for e.g all of the 360 degrees constellations movement around the sky. Fundamentally, astrology is about the positions of the planets in the sky, and not about the signs. So, none of the astrological systems is more correct than the other.

With all that said, it is no secret I am an Evolutionary Astrologer and my mother is a Vedic Astrologer. Needless to say, we differ in our views, approaches, and beliefs in a myriad of ways. But I don’t believe that the debate truly stems from geography. I believe the debate is a product of educational influence, individual research, and personal experience. Part of truly evolving as a species, in my opinion, is the ability for us as universal beings to relate to and accept one another beyond those differences. So—I love you mom!

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